Jacques van Heerden

Jacques van Heerden

I am a serial entrepreneur and started my first business at the age of 12. I'm passionate about empowering people and businesses to succeed. Founder and CEO at An1ken.

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Jacques van Heerden

16 Things I Wish I Could Go Back and Tell My Younger Self

Admission plays a big role in maturity. We often fail to admit our wrongs and try to justify our situations with our own opinions. When all we need to do is be teachable. I believed I knew how life was going to turn out. I had good mentors, people that...

Jacques van Heerden

The $10,000 Investment Just Won't Cut It

I have too many a time sat down with founders and heard them complain about small investments. They carry on and on about how they need $100,000 to break down the barriers and how $10,000 is nothing compared to what they actually need. They look down on people...

Jacques van Heerden

What Will You Be Remembered For?

You often find yourself running through life at such a pace that you miss most of the exciting things around you. You make promises to see people and a month goes by, then a year and then a decade…Where has the time gone? Where has the people gone? What...

Jacques van Heerden

My Name is Habit

How long does it take to form a habit? According to scientific research, the average human will take 30 days of constant engagement with a task daily to form a habit. Habits are good in some cases and bad in others. Habits can help you succeed or keep you from...

Jacques van Heerden

6 Ways to Be a more Effective Leader

Everyone leads at some point in their lives. Their scenarios are different, their goals are different, but one thing remains…they have the responsibility to exceed expectations and provide implementation solutions for the people that they lead. I was speaking to a guy the other day and even though he...

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