Jacques van Heerden

Jacques van Heerden

I am a serial entrepreneur and started my first business at the age of 12. I'm passionate about empowering people and businesses to succeed. Founder and CEO at An1ken.

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Jacques van Heerden

You have to set S.M.A.R.T Goals

Successful people thrive in setting goals that are smart, attainable and realistic. Without a goal, you will be aiming at nothing and by aiming at nothing, you will achieve just that…nothing. Having goals enables you to focus and work hard at that which you would like to achieve in...

Jacques van Heerden

14 Things Happy and Content People Don't Do

Life is good. You’re smiling, happy and loving the fresh morning breeze as you feel it through your nostrils in the grocery store parking lot. On your way here, your favorite song played over the radio and you got some news that your holiday plans are finally panning out....

Jacques van Heerden

Why You Need to Change

If you have been doing the same thing over and over again for the past few years and nothing has been going your way, it’s time for change. Repetitiveness isn’t always a good thing. Sure it’s comfortable, but does it get results? It’s easy because you...

Jacques van Heerden

Poverty is a mindset

A lot of us feel that we live way below that which God intended for us. However, God made did make it clear that he will deliver upon that which he has promised. When, how, and where are determined by our lifestyles, commitment, and faith toward him. We stand still...

Jacques van Heerden

Are Your Goals Reachable?

Everyone has goals. Yes, even babies and children do. The complexity and magnitude of their goals and dreams just differ from an adults. Without goals and dreams we won’t really be going anywhere. We will be riding horses without saddles, trying to fly airplanes without any flying knowledge. Throwing...

Jacques van Heerden

It's never too Late to be Great!

Waking up this morning after only 3 hours of sleep, a new day was dawning and a fresh start beckoned…as it does, everyday. Scanning through my To-Do list, there was a question circulating in my head that I couldn’t shake. > Is it too late to be great?...

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