Is Life Boring you?

It’s a viable question..Isn’t it? We march through our days in a routine like manner that just repeats itself day after day after day. It’s true..every single word of it. The average person has a schedule that depicts a boring life: You roll out of bed, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, come home, watch tv, eat and sleep.
Great life? I don’t think so… Why not change something to get a different result, a different outcome to your day?
A lot of people fear change I know, but it’s the only way to get ahead and once you have taken the first step forward, you won’t be looking back. You can start with something small and work towards something big, it’s totally up to you.
So the next time your buddy wants to go for drinks after work, don’t say you are tired. Come on. Man up. Go have some fun, get to bed late. Who is stopping you? Be a bit more social.
If you don’t want to stay out to late, why not get up a bit earlier everyday or change your cereal each week or wear something totally out of your comfort zone(watch the compliments roll in) and go to work looking like a boss. Haha. Just a figure of speech, but you should catch my drift.
Why not go out with your friends every night for the next week, do different things, go out with different people. Have lunch at a different restaurants. Don’t conform to the norm and do what everyone else is doing.
You want to set trends, not follow them to the T. You were born different from every other human being on this planet, so why follow them in what they do?
Are you scared that someone might say something? Let them… Who cares? I don’t. Don’t be boring and live your life the same day after day. In the end, you won’t be as happy as you thought you’d be. Get out there and live a little.
Change is inevitable.
So tell me…Is your life boring?