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Jacques van Heerden

The Difference Between Being Rich and Being Wealthy

It’s strange that not many people actually know the difference between being rich and being wealthy. So I thought I’d just write a few words to explain it to you. I often get asked why these two words, that mean the same thing, get used in the same...

Jacques van Heerden

One Random Act a Day

If you were able to do one random thing everyday for one year and influence 365 people. Wouldn’t you do it every day? I know I would. Sitting around a table at McDonalds with some friends in 2010 we joked about a scenario that involved random public acts to...

Jacques van Heerden

What Motivates You When You're Down?

It’s a brick wall that everyone runs into one day or another. Some more than others. It’s a feeling only describable by the person himself/herself. A feeling of insecurity, worthlessness, self-doubt…the list goes on. You can’t say that it has never happened to you; it’...

Jacques van Heerden

I Want You To

Encouragement comes in all shapes and sizes, anything from gifts to a pat on the back. People want to be encouraged through their daily lives and that’s why I always say I want you to. I want you to what? You might ask. Well. I want you to Succeed....

Jacques van Heerden

Live Life FLAT OUT!

Need I say more? You need to live a little, have fun, take chances and get your adrenaline pumping…DAILY. You need to keep living your life as if today was your last day. Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die tomorrow – James Dean...

Jacques van Heerden

Believe in Yourself, Even if Others Do Not

I can’t tell you how many times I run into people that live with self doubt. It’s amazing actually…I would almost go as far as to say that 4 out of 5 people I meet have self doubt written on their foreheads. A lot of these people...

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